Spirit Speaks books~
When you consciously play the game of life, you attain the grandest prizes available on Earth . . . peace of mind and a zest for living every moment of your chosen life.
LIFE: Before, During, and After shares universal wisdom and wit from a group of spirit teachers, who, like Theo, are seasoned travelers around the track of life, death, and rebirth.
Their intention is to introduce you to the most fascinating human being on the planet . . . YOU!
This 215-page book is available at Amazon.com in paperback and ebook formats.
CLICK HERE to preview.
When you consciously play the game of life, you attain the grandest prizes available on Earth . . . peace of mind and a zest for living every moment of your chosen life.
LIFE: Before, During, and After shares universal wisdom and wit from a group of spirit teachers, who, like Theo, are seasoned travelers around the track of life, death, and rebirth.
Their intention is to introduce you to the most fascinating human being on the planet . . . YOU!
This 215-page book is available at Amazon.com in paperback and ebook formats.
CLICK HERE to preview.
Additional upcoming publishing projects include~
From Eternity to Hear~
Shares the inside story about how the opening of a communications channel twixt heaven and Earth upended the cashmere comfortable life of Molli Nickell.
Shares the inside story about how the opening of a communications channel twixt heaven and Earth upended the cashmere comfortable life of Molli Nickell.
Karmically Correct Fables for a Cranky Planet~
by Gary Lund and Molli Nickell
by Gary Lund and Molli Nickell